Students do better academically when they feel strong emotionally. For many students, a blend of tutoring and counseling works best.


Blended academic and mental health Support

Personal, social, or global stressors as well as mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or OCD, can make it harder for students to feel and do their best. Now more than ever, youth need to be equipped with a variety of skills that holistically support both their mental health and their educational achievement.

Sequoia Teen Counseling

Our Mentally Healthy Student Program is provided in partnership with Sequoia Teen Counseling Center, with whom we share offices. Students in this program receive evidence-based therapy alongside academic or executive functioning coaching in one convenient package.

Collaboration between highly-trained tutors and licensed therapists, or service from one of our uniquely qualified counselor-coaches, allows for seamless integration between academic and mental health support. 

How it works

Below is an example of what a 60-minute session may include, although sessions will be tailored to the student’s needs at the time.


Ask us about our mentally healthy student program.